China Daily热词
1.人口普查 population census
人口分布 population distribution
农村人口 rural population
年龄分布 age distribution
老龄化社会 aging society
平均每户人口 population per household
2.毕业生就业 college students' employment
就业形势和政策 employment situation and policy
灵活就业 flexible employment
职业发展 career development
面试技巧 interview skills
3.国药新冠疫苗 Sinopharm's COVID-19 vaccine
新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划 COVAX(COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access)
药品和疫苗研发 drug and vaccine development
有效性和安全性研究 safety and efficacy research
人类卫生健康共同体 a global community of health for all
疫苗联合研发 joint research and development of vaccines
全球公共产品 global public good
4.输油管道 fuel pipeline
加密数据 encrypted data
供给危机 supply crunch
加油站 gas station
网络治理 cyberspace governance
网络安全 cyberspace security
网络安全专家 cybersecurity experts
5.文创雪糕 creative ice cream bars
三星堆博物馆 the Sanxingdui Museum
青铜面具 bronze masks
洞庭湖 Dongting Lake
岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower
黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower
冰激凌 ice cream
雪糕 ice cream bars
冰棍 popsicle, ice lolly, ice pop
冻酸奶 frozen yogurt
汽水 soda water
果汁 juice
冰咖啡 iced coffee
冰奶茶 iced milk tea
就业优先政策 pro-employment policies
巡视 disciplinary inspection
流行病学的 epidemiological
超声波传感器 ultrasonic sensor
人工智能 artificial intelligence
民法典 Civil Code
乘法表 multiplication table
脱贫 poverty eradication
乡村振兴 rural vitalization
野生动物园 safari park
7.着陆火星 Tianwen 1 probe lands on Mars
"祝融”号 Zhurong
行星探测任务 planetary exploration mission
重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket
在轨测试 in-orbit test
载人空间站 manned space station
助推火箭 booster rocket
发射场 launch site
8.疫苗接种'全面推进' work at full throttle to vaccinate its people
输入病例 imported cases
免疫系统 immune system
9.婚姻登记"跨省通办" inter-provincial marriage registration policy
常住人口 permanent residents population/population of long-term residents
积分落户制 points-based household registration system
居住证 residence permit
流动人口 migrant population
人口承载能力 population capacity
户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy
10.救护放归 rescue and release into the wild
陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals
水生动物 aquatic animals
家畜家禽 poultry and livestock
伴侣动物 companion animal
野生动物保护 wild animal protection
11.停火协议 ceasefire agreement
巴以紧张局势 Israeli-Palestinian tension
交火 trade of fire
发射数百枚火箭弹 fire hundreds of rockets
空袭 air strikes
冲突升级 escalation of conflicts
核电站 nuclear power plant
开工仪式 ground-breaking ceremony
货运列车 freight train
年平均工资 annual average salary
通货膨胀 inflation
交会对接 rendezvous and docking
货运飞船 cargo spacecraft
宇宙加速器 cosmic accelerator
13.国药疫苗三期结果 third-stage trial data of Sinopharm's two vaccines
灭活疫苗 inactivated vaccine
随机试验 random trial
双盲试验 double-blind trial
安慰剂对照试验 placebo-controlled trial
毒性试验 toxicology test
14.博物馆强国 a country with top-level museums/a museum powerhouse
卓越博物馆发展计划 Development Plan for Museums of Excellence
公共文化服务 public cultural services
乡村文化建设 rural cultural development
更好满足人民群众精神文化需求 better meet the intellectual and cultural needs of the people
文化惠民工程 public-interest cultural programs
15.杂交水稻之父 father of hybrid rice
粮食安全 food security
农业科技创新 innovation in agricultural technology
谷物基本自给 basic self-sufficiency of grain
口粮绝对安全 absolute security of staple food
粮食产量 food output
16.禁止提供一次性不可降解塑料制品 ban the use of disposable non-degradable plastic
生活垃圾管理 domestic waste management
一次性餐具 disposable cutlery
环保材料 environment-friendly materials
可再生资源 renewable resources
垃圾分类 garbage sorting
17.骗访 fake documents to obtain the interview
狗仔队 paparazzi
白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace
英联邦元首 the Head of the Commonwealth
英国王室 royal family
第二大贸易伙伴 the second largest trading partner
互利双赢 mutually beneficial and win-win
反倾销 anti-dumping
特殊保障机制 Special Safeguard Mechanism
取消补贴 elimination of subsidies
降低关税 tariffs reduction
食品安全food safety
资源节约型社会 resource-conserving society
低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle
套餐 set meals
厨余垃圾 kitchen waste
乡村振兴促进法 law on the promotion of rural vital ization
有效性和安全性研究safety and efficacy research
减轻学生负担 relieve the burden on students
乘机做某事 take the opportunity todos th
坐失良机 let an opportunity slip
外商独资企业 wholly foreign-owned enterprise
投资环境 investment environment
外国直接投资 foreign direct investment(FDI)
中华文化影响力 the influence of the Chinese culture
中华优秀传统文化 fine traditional Chinese culture
大地震 devastating earthquake
使数百万人流离失所 leave millions of people homeless
救灾 disaster relief
灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction
防灾减灾 disaster prevention and alleviation
荣誉称号 honorary titles
新冠疫苗 COVID-19 vaccines
安全有效 safe and efficacious
紧急使用 emergency use
公共卫生 public health
疫苗供应缺口 vaccine supply gap
临床研究 clinical studies
前线医护人员 front-line healthcare workers